I feel like no one has read this but let me tell you some stuff. I picked it up at the book store and did not know ''dark urges'' and ''hunger'' where literal. This book is actually about cannibals. So if you are disturbed easily just stay away. Besides from the whole eating people thing, it was nice as a coming of age novel, and I liked one or two characters.
To be honest I expected this to be way much worse, but it was fun, romantic and adventourus. You know I already bought the sequel hehe. I am not really a fan of acotar so if you want to read sjm please read throne of glass and don't waste your time.
its shadowhunters come on
I knew this was going to be great from the beggining. The characters where a lil too much some times, even for me and I have read all the other books. So excited for chain of Iron! Since this series is going to play a big role in the wicked powers I wouldn't recommend skipping the series if you are a fan.
It was really difficult to rate this book and I'm still not sure if it deserved less or more stars. The way the story developed was really interesting but we didnt
get enough of Gat and Cady or the Liars in general I think, so it could have been longer.
In the beginning I believed I was reading about a white rich family that despite all had "problems". Honestly, it was like watching the outer banks. But in the end everything had a deeper meaning. The plot twist was shocking though and I was expecting something tragic. I loved all the thoughts and they way some of them were written like poems." Be a little kinder."
I feel like even the 6th graders would cringe
I- you know what? America needs to be banged with something.
Really nice ending and enjoyable
** spoiler alert ** I dont know why people dont like the ending. I found it really cute how Mal got to live happily with Alina helping the orphans, and even though I'm not a big fan of them two, I admit they were endgame. I feel bad about the darkling since he just wanted someone, and of course Nikolai who is now forever sacred. It was a fast paced book, and a fast paced series, better than I expected, with an amazing world and characters.
Alina as a mc was funny and not one sided, since she saw the good and the bad in people. The darkling was an interesting, intimidating and seductive villain. Nikolai was so amazing and fun and I love him so much (also king of sarcasm lol). Mal was...eh...he had his cute moments. Finally the side characters that I loved: Genya, David, Tamar, and Zoya (they made the story so much better, are unique, and own a special place in my heart.)
I wanted to read the grishaverse a long time before the show announcement and I am so happy this wonderful world is being adapted and it means so much to me. You won't regret reading the books and I recommend them 100% to EVERYONE (be patient with siege and storm, I know some parts are kinda boring).
Now go read it.
''Will it live up to the hype?'', ''Is it overrated?'', ''Is it just characters and no plot?''. I heard these questions really often before starting soc. The truth is I read the trilogy to be well prepared and I had set high standards for this book. I can tell you I fell in love within the first pages of Inej's chapter (after Joost). Because my first language isn't english, just beware that it has kind of a challenging vocabulary. And yes, it was even better then the trilogy. This is one of the best -if not the best- books I have ever read so far, so I'm going to tell you some things in case you are debating reading it.
The characters:
All the characters have a past, and interesting stories. Each one is different and unique (Matthias is trying). They made me laugh, they made me sad and mad all at the same time. Personally my favorite crow is Kaz, and he is also a bit of a comfort character. What he went through was terrible and it is really interesting to watch him deal with it, to overcome it, letting it haunt him, and trying to put it aside for a person that finally cared, that has also had a terrible past. Wylan and Jesper always made me laugh and Nina and Matthias have such an interesting story. So yes, the characters are everything.
The plot:
I will try to avoid spilers. The whole journey of the crows getting together, and trying not to kill eachother while pulling off this imossible heist was incredible. The time during the heist (at the prison) was full of action, suspense, and plot twists. I understand it had a lot of flashbacks, but I found that interesting and a good addition to the plot, because the past makes a huge role on how the plot changes, based on how they act and what desisions they make.
Also, (to sup up my essay lmao) I loved how Leigh mentioned she has osteonecrosis and had Kaz have a limp, giving something of herself to the story, saying that she gets through it with the right people, it was heartwarming.
I kind of struggeled with this one even though I love the series. Mal was a bitch and it didn't have enough of the darkling.
Really love it
Magic, love, adventure, I was so hooked I could not put this down but it was also the best book in the trilogy in my opinion. I had lower expectations but I recomment it to anyone who has or has not watched the show!
I want to rand about how mad I am with my boy RHYS... Tamlin has lost everything, his court, his friends, his family, he is alone and abandoned in the holidays, knowing the girl he loves is off having her life. Lucien at least decides to visit and help him even after all he put him through. Everyone was ignoring HIS trauma as if they needed someone to blame. He fucked up I admit but DIDN'T EVERYONE ELSE DO HORRIBLE THINGS TOO? And the comes the god feminist most powerful high lord mother teresa to bring him down. MORE. And after he realises it was too much, he goes and does it AGAIN.
reading this was like eternity
The longest month of my life. Though more things happened, if this was going to be a silly erotica fine, but it is neither.
This book has some hard drugs in it
I remember feeling like this was the best thing ever when I read this mostly because of the magic, but minus 2 stars because I hate rhys now
I've read all the books in the series and the first one was the worst,. It was pointless, amarantha was a bad villain, like whats with the riddles and all? And thee was genuenly no plot. The end.
I'm not crying, you are
*spoiler alert* WHY DID U HAVE TO LEAVE KIT WHY? I just want the wicked powers to come out. This book was so good and that ENDING. Magnus and alec got married finally...but thule Jace and ash was a plot twist....(Not putting ten stars tho bcs it could have been a little bit shorter.)
I loved seeing the gang going on new adventures, although I did like the red scrolls of magic better (as a plot). The lightwood bane family owns my heart though and nothing can change that.
This book made me laugh, SOB...and engage to the characters and the plot line more than Lady Midnight did. I believe it's the best sequel that can be given to this series and you must read it period. I love shadowhunters so much ahh.
I loved this book and the way it conects with TDA and TID! I was so hooked and wanted to see what was going to happen in the end! I'm so sorry for Simon though, he has gone through a lot and definetly didn;t deserve this..
This book is amazing! It gets even better as the story develops. I want to read The Wicked King so much and see what happens! I littetaly finished half of it in a day bcs I was so hooked. I loved Cardan and he was one of my favourite characters, and also didn't expect what happened in the coronation at all so this was a surprise haha. Totally recommend if you are debating on reading this;)
I liked RQ a lot but this was disappointing, too slow, kind of boring, not enough of Maven and Evangeline which are my favorite characters. We get it Mare is the lighting girl. Also SHADE. OMG WHY?
One of the best books in the series, jace being tied to sebastian and them living together? ICONIC. I love Sebastian as a villain. The ending with Magnus and Alec kinda hurt but I knew they would always find each other again
The only reason I'm not giving this 10 stars is because it took me a while to read. But with time you get engaged to the characters and want to know more about them. This book is one of Cassie's best. It has diversity, and interesting plot and villain, a lot of amazing chatacters and much potential! I also loved seeing some of the other series characters like Alec Magnus Tessa Jem Clary Jace etc. I recommend this 100 to everyone who has read tmi, it is stunning.
finally some malec content
I red this on vacation and it was a really pleasant spin off series. I love we get to see more of Malec cause they are my favourite ship ever, it was an easy read with a surprising and interesting ending. Can't wait for the lost book of the white!
I didn't want the series to end and this was a wild ending. The best love triangle I've read about and I loved everything about this book. People say that you will cry in the epilouge but I am certain I died about three times before I got there. Even when I think about the ending i start to tear up. I was sad and happy at the same time while reading it. If a book has the power to destroy you emotionally while also filling you with so much joy this is it! Definately my favourite book of all times. I'm so emotionally overloaded i don't know if I can read it again withought going through the same emotional roaler coaster but i will definatelly try in the future.
the sequel i needed
I can't begin to describe how much i also loved this book along with the rest of them. In the begining i thought it was only Jem and Tessa but we get to learn more about the curse! The ending may or may have not made me sob for 2 days straight (it did) and I was SO EXCITED about clockwork princess after even though i knew it would be even more sad. Honestly it gets better so if you've read clockwork angel and you are considering reading this you should and you won't regret it!
I started reading this with high hopes and it didn't let me down. Of course I fell in love with all the characters and read the rest of the series! So much better than any other series I read and it also made me cry and laugh a lot of times. You should read the series now!
I accually don't understand why people hate on this book. I have only read the first one so I'm gonna tell you my thoughts. I read the selection while on vacation and i finished it in 3 days. It was a really pleasant and easy read and i want to read the sequels. Yes America is a little annoying but I personally loved Marlee and Maxon! Also a good book for someone who is getting into reading or wants to get out of a reading slump! I totaly recommend it, have fun reading;)
I have so many mixed feeling about this book. I read the first half in the day and the rest took me much longer. There were times where it was tiring and times where it was interesting. The plot twist surprised me since I wasn't spoiled about it. Would I recommend it? I don't know... Probably to someone who likes Dystrophian Fiction.
Το βιβλίο το περίμενα για πολυ καιρό γιατί είδα την ταινία ΚΑΙ την σειρά αλλά ακόμα δεν ήταν αρκετά! Το λάτρεψα και με έκανε να θέλω να διαβάσω τα υπόλοιπα βιβλία της σειράς! Το συστήνω φυσικά σε όποιον αρχίζει να διαβάζει! Είναι πολυ καλη εξάσκηση για τα αγγλικά και θα λατρέψετε των κόσμο των Κυνηγών τών Σκυών!!!❤