













Αγαπημένα βιβλία



Η τριλογία της απόκλισης: Τέσσερα


Πραγματικά δεν πιστεύω πως χρειαζόταν αυτό το βιβλίο


After- Μετά την πτώση


Ένα βήμα μπροστά και δύο πάλι πίσω. Άντε πάλι. Είμαι η μόνη που πιστεύει ότι αυτή είναι μια τόσο τοξική σχέση; Έχω βαρεθεί να τσακώνονται και να κάνουν την επανάληψη. Υποθέτω ότι η συγγραφέας πρέπει να επισημάνει τη χημεία και την «αγάπη» μεταξύ των δύο τους, αλλά έχω την αίσθηση ότι το τραβάει πάρα πολύ.


Οι δαίμονες δεν έχουν όνομα


Έντονο, ανατριχιαστικό, ενδιαφέρον και καλογραμμένο. Είναι δύσκολο να χαρακτηρίσεις τη συγκεκριμένη συγγραφέα. Τα βιβλία της είναι κάτι το μοναδικό. Οι πλοκές της ανατριχιαστικές αλλά και τόσο έντονες που είναι δύσκολο να μη σε τραβήξουν. Οι λεπτομέρειες εξονυχιστικές και κάτι το οποίο με εντυπωσίασε ήταν πώς μέχρι και το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο ως αναγνώστης αναρωτιόμουν για πολλά πράγματα τα οποία η συγγραφέας εσκεμμένα έκρυβε με τρόπο που να διατηρεί το ενδιαφέρον και την αγωνία.


Το φθινόπωρο της μάγισσας


Δεν μπορώ ακριβώς να ξεχωρίσω τι είναι αυτό που με έκανε να ερωτευτώ το συγκεκριμένο μυθιστόρημα. Είναι από τα ελάχιστα ελληνικά μυθιστορήματα που απόλαυσα και δεν δίστασα να ξαναδιαβάσω. Η ιστορία της Μυρσίνης ήταν απλώς μαγική. Τα τοπία, οι περιγραφές, οι απρόοπτες καταστάσεις΄ ένα ένα κατάφεραν να με αιχμαλωτίσουν και να αποτελέσουν κομμάτι των δικών μου φανταστικών προσδοκιών σε έναν τελείως ρεαλιστικό κόσμο, όπου η κάθε γυναίκα δημιουργεί τον δικό της πλασματικό τέλειο κόσμο. Το αγάπησα και σίγουρα θα το διαβάσω πολλές φορές ακόμη.


Η επιλογή


Διάβασα το βιβλίο το 2017 και ως εκ τούτου δεν μπόρεσα να παρουσιάσω μια σωστή κριτική λόγω του ότι έχω ξεχάσει το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του. Αλλά από τότε που το ξαναδιάβασα, νιώθω ότι τώρα μπορώ πραγματικά να εκφράσω τα συναισθήματά μου. Γέλασα, θύμωσα και ερωτεύτηκα τόσες φορές σε όλο το βιβλίο. Μπορεί να είχα μια ιδέα για το ποιο θα ήταν το τέλος των χαρακτήρων, αλλά και πάλι ένιωθα ότι διάβαζα το βιβλίο για πρώτη φορά. Δεν ήμουν καν στη μέση του βιβλίου όταν αποφάσισα ότι θέλω να το ξαναδιαβάσω κάποια στιγμή σύντομα. Απόλαυσα κάθε σελίδα του!! Ανυπομονώ να γυρίσω σπίτι από τις διακοπές μου και να ξαναδιαβάσω το δεύτερο!!!


Άγγελος και Δαίμονας 2- Η εκδίκηση


Έχω την αίσθηση ότι έχει αρχίσει να μου αρέσει η Karou. Ίσως κάποιοι να πουν ότι γίνεται λιγότερο ευχάριστη για τις πράξεις της, αλλά βρίσκω τον εαυτό μου εντάξει μαζί της δεδομένου ότι όπως ανέφερα στην προηγούμενη κριτική μου, δεν μου άρεσε τόσο πολύ. Φυσικά πρέπει να μείνω στο γεγονός ότι αυτή η ιστορία είναι -αλλά και δεν είναι- κάτι καινούργιο. Ένας άγγελος ερωτεύεται έναν δαίμονα. Υποθέτω ότι πρόκειται για επανάληψη. Και υποθέτω ότι το απολαμβάνω. Συμβαίνουν τόσα πολλά πράγματα και θέλω κι άλλα. Είχα άγχος σε όλο το βιβλίο για τόσους πολλούς λόγους, σε σημείο που άρχισα να με ενδιαφέρει τι θα συμβεί. Λοιπόν, είμαι έτοιμη για το τρίτο βιβλίο.


Ψηλά τα χέρια Σε αγαπώ!


Η ιστορία μαγευτική. Και πρέπει να παραδεχθώ πώς λίγο πολύ όλες μας έχουμε φανταστεί πως κάτι ανάλογο θα συνέβαινε και σε εμάς. Βέβαια η συγγραφή ήταν αρκετά απλή. Σε βαθμό που αλλοίωνε τη μαγεία της ιστορίας.


Ο ρομαντικός κύριος Μπρίτζερτον


Even though a partial magic of the mystery had gone away due to the fact that I saw the series first, I still sensed an amazing story between Colin and Penelope. In this book for me it was all about falling for the not obvious pretty girl, the one that wasn't thin enough, and was forgotten and left out by everyone. Cause- let's face it- in reality the majority of the the female population is like that . So, when Colin realised that he has fallen for Penelope , it was very inspiring . He saw things in her that nobody else saw. And that is a real thing. Only when you start falling for someone, you get to see the small details that make them so unique. And I only have to thank Julia Quinn for giving us a book-a story, where even the "not diamonds of the season" get their happy endings!


Το κουκλόσπιτο


It was an amazing book with so many unexpected plot twists. I was surprised by the fact that everything turned out to be so different from what they seamed to be. I really enjoyed it and I hope I can re-read it soon so that I can give more attention to the details that I obviously missed at first.


Οργή και ομίχλη

THE. BEST!!!!!!!

Oh people come on. IM BROKEN AND LEFT IN A CLIFFHANGER... Honestly I have never read anything like this before. Even before finishing the book I was so upset of finishing the ACOMAF and not being able to buy the ACOWAR as soon as I could that I was trying to slow the process of finishing it. But that- of course- couldn't happen. The book was amazing. The adrenaline, the love, the sadness, THE FREAKING PLOT TWISTS. All of it was real. Once more Sarah proved that she CAN make you feel as if you were right there. Inside every single chapter. Every single scene. And as if every single feeling and decision aNd thought was yours. I could say that this is one of my favourite series. But I am sure that the ACOTAR series is by far the BEST series I've read. And not just because of the plot. But also because of the ability of the author to actually make me feel like I was there!!!


Άγγελος και δαίμονας


Karou is a passionate women. Strong and willing to protect her family. But she is also difficult to get close to. She hides her family, she travels through magical doors to get into another country and... she has blue hair? Yeah that was risky. The name of the name character and the color of the hair was...something . To be honest I am used to main characters having brown and blonde hair. It was something different. Unfortunately I couldn't find myself being ok with that. But I could handle it since it was something that the author thought it would be cool to add to the story. As for the story itself. I might not be a 100% fan of the main character but I have to admit that the plot is amazing. I guess I'll ruin the review if I mention specific parts of the book, but in short, the plot was something that got my attention. So not a huge fan of the character but surely a fan of the story that the author unravels.


People We Meet on Vacation


2.5/5 stars The plot was there (4 stars) The chemistry was undeniable (4.5 stars) But that storytelling and the writing? DISAPPOINTMENT (1 star) The only thing that won me were the love confessions as they were breathtaking Seriously, a light book like this should be easy and quick to read. Instead I found it very hard to go through. The writing was non existent. A series of events and a few inside jokes just to "keep the interest". The narration of the events is prosaic, superficial, rushed and dry. I do not remember "Book Lovers" like that, but maybe it was. If I do not remember that detail about that book it means that there was something about her storytelling there that won me over. But in "People we meet on Vacation" there was not. The good part of the book occupies even less than the last quarter of it with the confessions. The only time in this whole book that I read a well written dialogue and narration.


Τώρα και για πάντα


Ένας πολύ όμορφος επίλογος για τη σειρά. Μια ανάλαφρη σειρά με μεγάλη αφοσίωση στην αγάπη, τη φιλία, την οικογένεια. Όμως το βιβλίο θα πρέπει να πω πως με κούρασε. Η πραγματική εμβάθυνση στις προσωπικότητες των πρωταγωνιστών δεν έγινε πάρα μόνο προς το τέλος του βιβλίου. Σε όλη τη διάρκεια του βιβλίου οι σκηνές με τις συζητήσεις στην κοριτσοπαρέα ήταν πολύ περισσότερες από ότι χρειαζόταν και η εξέλιξη του κεντρικού ζευγαριού ελλιπής.


On Writing


When I purchased the book I was expecting to find a guide through my first steps of realizing how a writer works. And I wasn't disappointed at all. But it wasn't till I finished half of the book when I actually felt like it was worth the shot. I choose this book because I wanted to be a writer, and when I started it all I could read about was Stephen's childhood story. I was kind of disappointed, to be honest. But when I finally got to the real topic of the book I found myself enjoying it. Stephen King gives a lot of advice on how to work as a writer- mostly how HE works as a writer- and I found it pretty educating. I finally found a place where I could begin from and I thank him for that. His book may be mostly about himself, considering the fact that he writes about his methods, his ideas, his lifestyle etc., but through his experiences and his work I learned so many things about the author world that it made me fall for it even more.


Η διάδοχος

Not Sure if I needed it

**spoiler alert** SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ THE PREVIEWS BOOKS At first I thought that perhaps writing about the future, when you are done with the story of your main characters it's a risky bussiness. Kiera Cass decided to tell the story of Americas' and Maxons' children. And eventually the result was not that bad. I am not talking about the writing itself nor about the plot. Both of them were equally amazing and interesting. I liked reading Eadlyns' story. But I didn't really liked reading Americas' and Maxons' story in the future. Don't get me wrong. I loved the fact that the author mentioned some of their romantic moments as a couple through out the years. But when it comes to a book that makes you fall in love with the main characters you find yourself wanting to stop their story's narration at some point. But apart from that Eadlyn's story is someting new. Something different and something that I would appretiate twice as much as I did if it wasn't for the reason above.


Same Time Next Summer


3.7/5.0 stars I do not feel like putting 3 stars in this book. It is way down. But I do not feel like it reaches the 4 star rate either. But it's a YES for recommendation! PLOT I loved the plot. It was fresh, (not so) light, enjoyable and cute. I have a thing for men being in love and acting behind the scenes with respect and admiration for their interests. It shows maturity. A high-value man. There is something about men being in love with someone long before they reveal it that gives me chills. It feels like that is one of the deepest, purest, mature ways of affection, but I can never find the ways to describe completely why I love it so much WRITING Just because I loved the plot, I was disappointed by the narration. Way to many unecessary small talks, zero talks between Sam and Jack that could give us a deeper context about their relationship and his character, and the conversations between the main couple were few, brief and shallow. I enjoyed the scenes from the past. But as for the present, I needed a bit more with the MC. Everything was very flat and non-existent. I got to understand Sam's character but I needed more interaction with Wyatt. Fights, conversations. Something... After the middle of the book I started getting kind of tired for a while. Why would I want to read about small details that do not give anything to the main plot and not read more detailed discriptions about their reactions, feelings, discusions and interactions? SAM I liked how I got to see Sam's psyche and how it evolved. The way she was building a life-fortress for herself. A very well organised plan of life in which there were no excitments, no big feelings, and so, no heartbreaks. But somewhere along the way she realised that in the process of building such a life she was burying a part of her self. WYATT I needed MORE Reading young Wyatt's POV was enjoyable. I love when I can get to see the MC's POV's and how they handle their emotions. And that is why I got disappointed when I could not get that with the older version of him I needed to see a POV from Wyatt. I needed to know his psyche. His way of handling things all these years.




3.8/5 stars Where to begin. I am torn. I liked it a lot, but I feel I should be honest with every aspect of it. It was a TikTok book. CHEMISTRY Even though the plot reminded me a lot of other series, such as The Selection, ToG, Red Queen, Hunger Games, Divergent etc. I do not know if that is what bothered me. Sure there where many similarities making me feel like I do not read anything original, and all I could keep doing was reading something and remembering another character from the other series, but I have to admit that the chemistry was THERE. You can easily make a reader feel bored when writing a slow burn, but the excecution here was not it. The chemistry was so strong, that it kept me smirking. I believe this book is everything that you wish could happen between the main couple but other authors tend to not deliver in order to keep you on your toes. But here, it gives everything. SIDE CHARACTERS We tend to see very little of the other characters. Adena, Jax, Andy. I would like to see a little bit more of them. More in-depth conversations with Adena and Paedyn, more fun and teasing with Jax and Kai and more conversations with Andy and Kai. It felt like 80% of the book was revolving around Kai and Paedyn, when in reality I need a little bit extra of the side characters (not a lot of it though) so as to connect with them and create a stronger bond with the whole universe I am into. Stronger bonds lead to stronger feelings lead to stronger memory. STORYTELLING Something I felt was missing, especially at the beginning, was the fact that whenever we had a switch in POV's there wasn't any reference to the events of the previous chapter. Not any reference to the other POV's feelings, thoughts and reactions. Since you are giving me more than one POV, at least connect them. Otherwise I feel I a reading a sequence of events without a connection between the characters. WRITING Some lines were repeated from one POV to the next or from one chapter to the other. Now this is something I've seen quite a few times and I am not in for it. Why use the exact same sentence or change a single word when there is an ocean of expresions you can use? Overall, I liked it and I enjoyed it, mostly because of the chemistry that was evolving and growing. It did not disappoint in that, as well as in the end where there was a plot twist I did not see coming. I mean.... HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU GONNA RECOVER FROM THIS? I am in for the next one to find out!


Μετά - After


Would I recommend it?-> Sure WOW! I have to admit that it was a really good book. Well not enough to make me press the fifth star because of some repetitions and stuff but other than that I have to say that was great. While reading this book I imagined a simple love story where the good girl falls for the bad guy and after making out they finally end up together. And in a way, it was something like that. But I have to warn you to be prepared for some things. First, the intimate part. There are too many details about that, and some times you may even wonder why the heck are you reading this. The expressions the author uses are not the most appropriate from time to time and you will have the expression of surprise drawn in your face many times. Second, the fight part. There SO MANY fight scenes because of Hardin's character and Tessa's actions that you will actually reach to the point where you might even want to hit your head on the wall. It is kind of tiring reading about a toxic relationship but there are moments where you just forget about it. So, besides that, the book was shocking at the end where a plot twist comes up tumbling everything that it makes it worth-reading...


Η κατάρα του τίγρη


The Tiger's Curse narrates the story of the 18-year old Kelsey during her journey in India where she is trying to break an ancient curse alongside with a white tiger named Ren. The first time I read the book I thought that that was it. I have found the perfect love story. And in a way I did. I found a story that has everything I am looking for. Drama, action, love, evil and a little bit of magic. But after I finished the series and read the first book again I found many defects. First of all, at the beginning of the story, Kelsey tries to find a job and she does find one at the zoo. But in order to work there, she has to leave her house for two weeks. That sounds ok but what got me was the fact that her foster parents didn't ask anything about that. They just said yes. Alright, maybe it is one of the smallest details but I just wanted to express my query. Because there are other scenes through the book that they are just like that one. Some things are way to easy to be true. Even for the book. Also, there were moments where I was wondering about the style of writing. I just thought that it was kind of simple for its' kind. Other than that I can't say anything else about the flaws of the book. It captured my attention and I would definitely read it again. The love story that unravels through the book was to melt for. Such passion and loyalty got the power to keep me reading so that I could reach the next scenes and find out how this story is going to end. Loved it!!


Περηφάνια και προκατάληψη


A classic novel, ahead of its' time. Elizabeth Bennet is not like all the other ladies of her time. She is headstrong and she is willing to refuse every proposal if it is not for love. Not all ladies do that, considering that their goal is to get married at a young age in order to get themselves settled. But not Elizabeth. When a handsome but a pride gentlemen come on her way, she decides that he is the most unlikable person she has ever met. Mr. Darcy does everything without even trying to prove her right. Until Elizabeth shows her disgrace to him when he will show to her his true face. The first time I became acquainted with this novel was when I saw the movie of 2005- 6 years ago-, starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. I instantly fell in love with the cast and the plot of this story and I haven't stop rewatching the movie ever since. The power of this novel and of course Elizabeth's character gives the whole book a different perspective. It makes it evolutionary and different from all the other novel that had been written in the same century. I could easily re-read this book with such a pleasure, something that I hope I will be able to do soon!!


After - Μετά τη σύγκρουση


When I finished the first book I was so excited to read the second one that I bought it the next day. But it was not what I expected. I was really disappointed by the fact that at the end of the first book you can't wait to read more about the story and how it goes on but after reading half of the second one I was already bored. So the main theme of the series is about a couple with a toxic relationship where in one way or another they always end up fighting, apologizing and making out. CONSTANTLY. I mean OK... The first impression is really good. But putting yourself go through a four-book repetition is too much. And even though I wasn't that impressed with the book I am going to keep reading the series so that I can see where it goes. Cause I have to warn you, readers. You may feel tired reading this book but the plot twists, in the end, will make you want to read the next one...


Σου είπα πως μου λείπεις


I have to admit that the book was really good considering the bigger picture. But reading the third and last book of the series was something I wasn't- and at the same time- something I was expecting to happen. Through the book, I found many things I would like to point out but I am just going to do this with a more general review and that is the way the book is written but also I want to say some things about the plot too. Starting with the way the writer chose to write the book I have to say that there were times where the characters talked in a way that was not.... suitable for the time. The writer gives me a general image of the book by writing in a more informal way, which is OK for me. And that is because I think that this type of writing is what is fitted to a story like that one. But as I said there were times where the characters talked more formal. I would not stand at this part if it was not something big, but it made the whole book writing seem unstable. Secondly, something that annoyed me was the fact that there was no Tyler's POV at all and I have mentioned that on my review for the second book of the series. It is just that there are so many things going on but all we see is what Eden thinks and what Eden sees. I would like to get to know the other characters of the story too, their thoughts, their point of view and so much more. Cause in these books they look more like secondary characters something that actually demotes them. As for the plot, I have to admit that it went pretty well. The writer handled it pretty well. Everything I needed to see was there and even though I was expecting the opposite ending, the plot went pretty well and in the end, I admitted that it was super OK to end these series in that way. Overall, the book was OK if not great. I do not think it deserves 4 stars because even though the plot was good there were so many other things I think the book was missing and because of that the whole book does not fulfill my expectations.


Σου είπα πως σε χρειάζομαι


**spoiler alert** After a year of being in a relationship with her stepbrother's best friend, Eden travels to New York for a one month-vacation with her stepbrother Tyler. And then all their feelings come back to the surface for one more time. And without being able to handle it they get back together even though she hasn't broken up with her boyfriend. Well, it's a nice teenage story where it starts with the good girl and the bad boy and they go through many struggles to finally be together or to break up for good. But, what I can't seem to be ok with is the way Eden treats Din-her boyfriend. The way she talks about him makes fall even less for her. There were times where she was like "I love him and I have no idea how I am supposed to do this to him" and there were some other times where she was like "He wasn't supposed to be here. I was supposed to have two more weeks to figure out what I am going to do with him". OK, the writer might not want to make Eden look like a bitch, but sometimes I just could not help it feel sorry for him. Then there is the detail part. There are so many details about the places they crossed to go, for example, from the apartment to the Park, that after some point I started feeling bored. I just thought that there were parts that she could have just miss or fill in a different way. And one more thing. I felt like there was something missing from the story. And that was Tyler's POV. Through the whole book, Eden is the only one who speaks and that wasn't cool. Personally, I would like to know Tyler's thoughts and opinions but instead, I could only know what Eden was up to. In the end, though, I found myself agreeing with the writer's decision for choosing this particular way to close the second book, as it made it look more realistic and true to the world.


Είσαι στα όνειρά μου


Lisa Kleypas has created one of the most realistic fiction characters. And I am talking about Derek Krayven. I was astonished by the fact that there were so many details about Derek's life. Details that made so much sense for his personality. From the smallest thing- as for him to empty his pockets on his desk- to the biggest I felt like he couldn't be more real and well written. The one thing though I was not very fond of was actually the missing moments. During her narration Kleypas was passing days and weeks, and while I was reading I felt like I had miss a few pages. Like, what happened during that period that changed their feelings and their way of thinking. Other than that the story was amazing, romantic and different in its own way!


Assassin's Blade

Was it necessary?

There are a few things I feel like I need to point out when it comes to the Assassin's Blade book. In which order should you read it? When it comes to the order in which you need to read the book throughout the series, I would say that it basically depends on what you want. Either experience is unique and Sarah J Mass has managed to create a standalone that can easily be put in any at least three different orders throughout the series . 1st BOOK in order Reading this book 1st before the rest of the series can give you a background of Celaena’s past. If that is what you want good for you 4th BOOK in order If you decide to read the book 4th in the series you are giving yourself the chance to figure Celaena out before learning about her backstory. That would be my preference due to the fact that it creates a mystery around Celaena Sardothien and it creates a more unique experience reading the series before the prequel. Surely there will be some references to her past that you won’t be able to understand, but that personally didn’t bother me at all as it was part of the mystery of her past and I liked it. I was hesitant about the fact that I was reading about such a a strong character that is so young in age and reading the prequel first could probably give me a better view about her upbringing But aside that, I still believe that reading the book 4th in the series is the best option for the mystery of it. Now here I need to be honest, I actually read the book 5th in line. That is because I was so invested in continuing the series to the present that I didn’t really bother knowing her past at that point. You could do that too, though in the fourth book of the series (Queen of Shadows) there are many many references to her past that reading the Assassin's Blade first would be very helpful. So whether I regret reading it after Queen of Shadows instead of Before, the answer would be yes just because I’ve lost many references along the way. Is it worth reading it or can I skip it? If you decide to read the book at any point after the Heir of Fire, you will find it a little bit difficult to follow Celaena's story in the past. That is due to the fact that you have created this image of a very well developed character that going back in her past is like reading about an immature character and you won’t find that very interesting The first two Novelas for me were very hard to follow and I almost gave up the Assassin's Blade but from the third Novela and afterwards the story became a little bit more interesting and as I was reading I got really invested into understanding what is going on and the events that followed. How do I feel about the romance? I am not very into reading about multiple love interests for one character. I kind of feel like it loses its magic, though I have to say that you cannot not fall a little bit in love with Sam‘s character. There are many good qualities that make him likable and can create this bond between you as a reader and him that you do feel heartbroken when the time we all know eventually comes . The writing ? I am very torn when it comes to several points in Sarah J Maas's writing in this series. Everybody is handsome. Everybody is magically beautiful and mesmerising and that is way too excessive. How is it possible for every single individual inside the series to be that handsome? I mean in that case the word loses its meaning when you want it to mean the most, doesn’t it? Another thing is about the age. I don’t think there is a single person inside the series so far especially through Assassin‘s Blade that is more than 30 years old. The captain, the master, the salesman, the assassins, the guards. Even they are all so young that it is so weird, it’s like I am reading a teenagers dream and sometimes that doesn’t work. How can they be THAT young, THAT handsome and THAT successfull? Does it make sense? I get that the whole point of the series is to create a bad ass heroine. But for the the best ever existed assassin to be only 17 years old is way too difficult to imagine. It’s like you’re trying to convince me that amongst masculine men, men on their 30s, women on their 20s even, and still a 17-year-old is the greatest assassin the world has ever seen? I get the point behind having a strong heroine and her age due to the sake of the story her past etc, but it’s very hard to follow when it’s that excessive and that ideal that it almost gets unbelievable even for a fictional character Celaena Sardothien We see the foundations of her character development I am glad that we get to see a teenage Celaena. She does seem a little bit more hopeful and ignorant about the cruelty that she is surrounded by, she gets betrayed a few times which shows how she became so hesitant to whom to trusts throughout the series We also see a more vulnerable side of her when it comes to the love life. Since she does fall in love she pictures the perfect ending for that love story and it makes sense to the current world how she’s so reluctant when it comes to acknowledging her own feelings and the depths of them.


Just For The Summer


5.0/5.0 stars It gave me such a beautiful perspective of things, as well as such a beautiful description for things I hold as unshakable values to myself. "I've had a lot of bad things happen to me. I think sometimes the key to happiness is framing those things in a different way" "This is the thing nobody tells you about The One. How they're timeless. How the moment they pop up again you're right where you left of." "You can't help someone unless they want to be helped." "You can't escape yourself. You are not what happened to you. You are what you do next. You turn around, you face it and you fix it." WRITING From the beginning I felt like I was watching everything in front of me. The descriptions, the lines, the feelings, the scenes. Everything was wonderfully put together with a flow that kept me going fast enough without realising it. It is easy to say that the writing got my interest to the story since it was anything but slow and dull. Not once I felt like it was getting boring or hard to follow. The scenes well very well put together to a point where I really enjoyed every one of them. STORY I have not read anything like it before. The plot of it was something pleasantly new for me and I was all in for it. It had evolution, not stopping at a certain point to overanalyze it without a reason. The meaning behind this whole book was deeper than any other rom-com I've read. If we call it rom-com. I LOVED IT. It was the true, real, deep meaning of a healthy love story. It brought me to tears feeling happy for the ways they handled their relationship and themselves. It teaches self-respect, self-boundaries, respect for the other person, broken people willing to heal themselves. This is the real world. And there was not better way to picture it than that. JUSTIN At first even though I liked Justin, he was not my type. And so I was a little skeptical about my attachment to the story. As I was reading though he became very dear to me. I admired his character. He is a good,high-value man. A solid rock for his family. He is clear and brutally honest about his wants and he is not willing to back out of them for any less than that. He creates a safe space for anyone around him. He taught me to be open about the possiblity that even though at first I might see things in a man that are not really my way of acting, beaneath that there might be the high value man I so dearly expect my soulmate to be. Because like Justin, I am not willing to lower my standards either. "I wanted an actual chance. And to have that, she'd have to meet me where I was" EMMA I understood her pretty quickly. People pleaser, emotionally distant, runner and a child longing for affection long gone from a parental figure. It broke my heart seeing how a parent can treat their child like that. With such apathy. But what I am so glad I saw her will to fight for herself. To stand up and face her childhood. !!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!! THEIR RELATIONSHIP What I loved in their relationship even before it existed, was their straight forward honesty. No-filter honesty, about their feelings and emotions. It gave such clarity to both of them. They were both people with values and boundaries which made them be clear with one another about their limits. Justin's unwillingnes to kiss her first was a clear image of how it meant so much more to him. A statement of his feelings and how he was not willing to lower his expectations for just a fling. When you've never experienced a feeling like love being given to you, it is easy to run from it. If you never had it, you never had the fear of letting it go. You never had the need to fight to keep it. Emma's decision to take a step back to work on herself broke my heart but I respected it. Not all things can be fixed in our current situation. And sometimes, staying without facing them first might get in the way of our happiness. Sometimes we need to make hard, difficult decisions in order to get healed. It might hurt. But the reward is sweet. Their decisions eventually saved both of them from many heartbreaks, fears and eventually the consequence of losing each other for good. This is a healthy, mature, grown relationship. And I really thank Jimenez for writing about the real deal.


A Little Life


I used to believe that living a good life was a choise. But I never considered how difficult this choise could be. Before I started this book, I was aware of all the trigger warnings. Still, I started it. I wanted to get a glimpse of a different life. I wanted to be sympathetic and understand that there are more aspects in life that just my own. And this book did not disappoint in that. At the beginning of this book I felt anger. "Why would nobody help?" "Are you so naive being comfortable in your life that you do not want to help someone who needs it?" As the book was developing I started realising "Living is a choice" "Accepting the life that is given to you and trying to make the best out of it is a choice" By the end of the book I realised "Making a choice is the easy part. But after that every day can be a struggle" "Fighting memories, emotions, events, bad or good is a never-ending battle with yourself. One that can exhaust you." People can change their lives if they want to. The thing is that when everything goes well but something shakes your current world, you need to try and stand tall. But then you remember your old life and you slowly go back. It might have been a bad life but it was familiar. And familiar is where we tend to go. So it is not about people not changing. It's about people fighting everyday to not give up. When it comes to the storytelling I do not feel like I have the words. Hanya created a fictional group of people, but I assure you they did not feel like it for a second. I felt like I was reading a biography. A very detailed, well written biography. I have never read anything like it. Some say that most of the POV's were unecessary. Maybe yes, but I think they gave us the context and the foundation for the events. There were many detailed scenes that you can only describe as repulsive. You don't want to know them. Or even picture them. But that is the book. It creates pain. It creates this picture of exaggeration. I have heard people say that it is too much. But let's not forget that movies and books have the right to do so. Be far fetched. As long as they do it the right way, they work. And here it worked. I asked my self many times "How can so many sick people be presented to just one person?" And I still question my self whether that is possible or not. I have to admit that many of the scenes that had me sobbing were the ones with Harolds affection. That man gave all the love, protection, affection, parenthood Jude deserved. He never disappointed and even though I was always expecting it from him I always started crying. Cause he gave him all he deserved. And I was so happy that he got what most of us take for granted. Easily a 5 star read. For the writing, the dedication, the attention to details, the quotes, the psychological analysis, the character development and so much more.


Heir of Fire No. 3


**spoiler alert** Heir of Ash Manon is getting acquainted with Abraxos Dorian is getting acquainted with his powers Chaol is forming an alliance in order to uncover the kings secrets Aedion is forming his queens court Celaena is getting acquainted with shifting on command Heir of Fire Manon earns her place as a Wing Leader and flies to protect the kings counselor Dorian is openly against his father and devastated by his lovers death Chaol runs away from the king and to his birth land Aedion is captured by the king as a traitor Celaena accepts her heritage, frees Rowan from Maeve and sails for Adarlan to gather her court Starting the first book of the series I was not really excited. The plot raised major questionmarks that made the whole sequence difficult to accept. Moving on to the second book I started getting a bigger picture of the story and forgot about the small details that bothered me during the first one. Going into the third book was indeed a whole different experience. I have to point out the storytelling. It is absolutely amazing. S.J.M. does not give us all the information from the beginning. And for some that can be tiresome. These series need you to be patient. There is a huge slow burn going on. And it takes time for all the pieces to stick together. But GOD it is totally worth it. I love the evolution of the characters. Their bonds getting stronger with every book. The new strong characters that appear every time. And their POV's. OKAY yes I would get a little bored at times reading anything but Celeana's point of view, but I see the bigger picture and it makes it all more bearable. But I have a question. Am I the only one hopping for Nehemia to be alive? I mean, I feel like she did nothing during the first two books other than saying she wants to talk with the king about her people and hiding her knowledge from Celeana. I too, like Celeana feel like I do not know her enough. She had so much potential. But I think now the point of her existence was merely for Celeana to be broken by her death in order to find herself. You think you know Celeana. But diving into the third book makes you realise that you were connected to a character you basically didnot know at all. In a way it did feel just how Celeana felt about Nehemia. The way her true story unraveled was a breathtaking process. One I enjoyed all the way through.


The Crown (The Heir Book 2)

The end of a beautiful journey

The end of the series. Refreshing, unexpected and romantic. I loved it. As I mentioned in my review for "The Heir", reading about America's and Maxon's future was something that I didn't enjoy that much, but when it comes to Eadlyn's story΄ well that I did. Her ending was what Kiera Cass got me hoping for and of course the fact that the end was not what you were expecting as you start reading "The Heir", is exactly what made this love story so unique.


Caraval: the mesmerising Sunday Times bestseller


As the writer used to point out through out the book, "nothing is what it seems, its only just a game". These words made me doubt everything even when the scenes were real. There were times where I wanted the moment to be just an illusion and others that I questioned myself what would I do if I were the main character. This story has something magical, romantic and mysterious all at the same time. I have to say that I really enjoyed it. The plot and the plot twists were so amazing I couldn't believe what was evolving.


Throne of Glass

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Okay, so..... It was not one of my favourite reads. It was good. But if I have to be brutally honest, it was good to bad. So that I do not get mistaken, I LOVE J.Maas. ACOTAR is an amazing series, from the plot, to the writing, to the development, to the plot twists etc. I can not stop recommending these series. And I do understand that the ToG was her first book (if i am not mistaken). But leaving everything aside, the plot had a lot of gaps. Most of it did not make sense at all. 1. How is it possible to have the assassins and the thieves living inside the palace with the royal family? 2. How is it possible to provide the assassins and the thieves with huge appartments to live in? 3. How does it make sense to create a training system for these criminals in order to prove themselves when they proved themselves worthy enough to be in prison in the first place? 4. How is it possible for Celaena to jump into conclusions SO fast without even having the knowledge for the basics? Without even giving us the facts in order to move with her through the way she is thinking. I know some of these questions can be personal and might not apply to all the readers. But for me as I was reading it it felt like the plot was sinking from many holes. The love triangle however was at the right amount. A teenage flirt with not too many emotions and attachments. It shows character development and young love, but keeps the exciting parts of a strong love plot for something bigger and special for us to enjoy it when it comes. I would like to continue the series in order to see the rest of the character development for one!


Court of Thorns and Roses

A Whole New World

After hearing so much about Sarah J. Maas's books I've decided to give them a try. And I have to admit that I am so glad I did. ACOTAR 1st book got me through several states. At first I thought it was going too slow but at the same time too fast. Nothing important was going on till the middle of the book but Feyra's relationship with Tamlyn was going somewhere. From the middle of the book and till the end of it so many things were going on that really got me. The adrenaline, the excitement but also the disappointment I got was everything I needed and Sarah gave me that. It is by far one of my favourite series not so much because of the couple amd their connection as much for the writing. The author has her way of expressing her vision and she has the ability to make the reader feel the same. The agony and the excitement and so many other emotions. And even though the end didn't give me a hint about the second one I have to say that I am so excited to get into it!