Shades of Magic Volume 1- The Steel Prince

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Συνολική βαθμολογία (1-10):




Συγγραφέας Schwab~Victoria
Εκδόσεις Titan Books Ltd
ISBN 9781785865879
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Έως 30 χαρακτήρες.
Κριτικές βιβλίου: 1
ID #45393 | ημερομηνία: 2021-01-07
Book Notes by Athina | 87 κριτικές

It is actually a prequel to the main series as we follow King Maxim Maresh when he was still a prince. We are back in the world of Shades of Magic and its incredible magic system. When I finished the series I wanted more and this graphic novel fulfills this need. It was nice to read about the past of King Maxim Maresh and his adventures that gave him the title The Steel Prince. The story was spot on and the illustrations, done by Andrea Olimpieri were incredible.

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