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Συνολική βαθμολογία (1-10):




Συγγραφέας Brenna Thummler
Εκδόσεις Lion Forge LLc The
ISBN 9781941302675
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Έως 30 χαρακτήρες.
Κριτικές βιβλίου: 1
ID #41705 | ημερομηνία: 2020-10-15
Book Notes by Athina | 87 κριτικές

This was sent to me as an ARC from Netgalley and the publisher. I found the concept of the graphic novel very interesting and different from what I have read before. We follow the story of Marjorie Glatt who owns a laundromat and most of the times feels like a ghost. We also have Wendell who is a ghost. The story deals with serious issues like grief but is also very funny and leaves you feeling that at the end everything will be OK despite all the struggles and problems. The art of the book was amazing. I really liked that she used a certain palette of colours and that she captured all the necessary details for the story. I caught myself staring at the art a lot. I really liked this graphic novel and I definitely recommend to check this out

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